Kamis, 26 Juli 2012

The Lorax

Just watched a cartoon titled "The Lorax". At the first, I'm interested with this one because one of the voice of character is my favorite-country-singer. Yep! She's Taylor Swift. In this movie she plays as Audrey.

Actually, The Lorax which played by Taylor Swift, Zac Efron and many more has simple story but extrasimple conflict. The Lorax tell about a modern town which everything in there made by plastic, including tree. Yep. There's no tree. Maybe you wondering "Where the get a fresh air?". It's simple. If they want take a breath with freas air, they have to buy the air in form of canned. See? Really kind a future town right?

In that town. live a young girl named Audrey. She has a dream to see a real tree. But she doesn't know where she could find it. Once upon a time she meet with a young boy called Ted. He really fallin in love with Audrey at the first sight. He would do anything for get a kiss from her. And one time, he knows that Audrey want to see a real tree. 

He try to find out the real tree. But unluckily, he can't find everywhere. And then he knows why there's no tree. It' s because human greed. They cut down the tree for take advantage without considering the consequences. Until the all the tree cuted down and the world turn into the darkness. 

Finally, Ted get the last sprout. He intend to plant that in the middle of the town. But he has to face the town who not agreed with Ted. But the Audrey tell them told them that we need a tree for get the real fresh air. then the town agreed and the spout can grow and give the fresh air for the town.

From this movie, i learn something. That we need a tree for continue our life and our next generation. Don't we realize, all this time we really selfish with thinking ourselves, we take advantage from tree without considering the consequences. Wether we sould wait until human realize that we can't eat money? we can't take a breath with money? Should we?

Come guys! save our tree :)

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